Awards and Recognition

Here is the recognition that some of my work is receiving around the world

Microsoft Starup Funding

My startup, TurtleShell, was selected for the Microsoft Startup Partners Program, which has a global acceptance rate of less than 3%. As part of the program, I have access to $25,000 in credit grants, providing me with all the necessary tools to develop TurtleShell for free.

Ingenious+ Best Technology Innovation Award

For my innovation with TurtleShell, I received the Best Technology Innovation award for Ontario from Ingenious+, which included $1000 in funding for my project. This award was presented to me at the Legislative Assembly of Ontario by the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario.

Youth Entrepreneur of the Year finalist

For the year 2023, I was selected as a finalist for Canada's Youth Entrepreneur of the Year award by the League of Innovators. Being a finalist put me on a list of some of the most esteemed entrepreneurs from around the country.

Villars Ecopreneurship VIP-e Scholar

Due to my work and projects in ecopreneurship, from authoring my own dystopian-style environmental sustainability novel to creating a plant pathogen detection system, Villars offered me a 3,500 Swiss francs all-expenses-paid scholarship to attend the Villars resort for a two-week-long conference with some of the world's biggest leaders in the industry.

My Certifications

Building Cloud Native and Multicloud Applications

Issued by IBM Issue Date: August 2024 Credential ID: f633f8139e6e45d29b605684222d6b63

BlockChain Foundations Developer

Issued by IBM Issue Date: December 2021 Credential ID: e80642911c844e34a708c6266c6f8aeb

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Want to work with me?

I would love to collaborate on any exciting project ideas you have, just shoot me a message!

Arav Mathur

© Company. All rights reserved. Arav Mathur


Toronto, Ontario, Canada 416 670 5465